This product—TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement—is marketed and sold by the makers of the well-known brand One-A-Day Vitamins, The Bayer Group.
A probiotic is an actual, live bacteria that is taken in capsule form, that, when digested, adds to the number of bacteria already present in your system to promote digestive health and boost your general immune system responses.
There is a great wealth of scientific evidence to support the claims made by the manufacturers of probiotics. Natural sources of probiotics are yogurt, cheese, milk, and sauerkraut.
A key point to remember is that there are both good and bad bacteria that exist naturally in your intestinal tract, and there are different strains of probiotic bacteria that have the potential to either improve your health or have almost no effect at all.
Formula & Ingredients
TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement contains 1.5 billion CFUs, or Cell Forming Units. In non-scientific terms, a CFU represents one bacteria cell that is able to reproduce itself once digested. So the more CFUs, the more bacteria will potentially be reproduced.
The two active strains of bacteria present in the product are Lactobacillus Acidophilus LA-5® and Bifidobacterium Animalis BB-12®. These two substrains are proprietary creations of Bayer that support the naturally occurring lactobacillus and bifidobacteria present in your body.
One major concern for people who have allergic reactions to milk and yeast is that this product contains amounts of both, making it dangerous to use for this specific group of people.
While all of its ingredients are safe to use for people who have no allergies or for people who have unrelated allergies, do carefully read the complete list of ingredients found on the label before using them.
Unlike competitive probiotic products, TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement does not require refrigeration.
brand Guarantee
The Bayer Group has been researching and producing consumer pharmaceuticals, including their flagship product Bayer aspirin, for more than 70 years. They have a very positive reputation among consumers, with headquarters located in almost every country in the world. Available at major retailers such as Walmart and Amazon.com, their return policies are excellent and the customer service representatives at the country’s headquarters are very responsive.
However, the results of using TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement for any specific purposes are not guaranteed. As for returning the product because the buyer did not notice that milk or yeast products were used in its manufacture, the company honored the request for a refund.
product Value
The suggested retail price for a bottle of 30 capsules is about $19.99. Many reviews rate TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement in the top 10 most recommended probiotic supplements, primarily based on the selected bacteria strains used in their formula.
Though there is criticism that the 1.5 billion CFUs is quite a paltry amount when compared to the higher rated brands, it is important to note that too much of a good thing can lead to diarrhea and other unpleasant temporary side effects.
You may decide that when it comes to your personal choice of probiotic, less is more.
Product Effectiveness
One of the overlooked qualities of probiotic effectiveness is whether continued use of the product will reduce its effectiveness over time. Users reported that after 90 days, TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement had the same effectiveness as on day one. The amount of time it takes a probiotic to achieve its desired results depends on a person’s overall health and whether they use the probiotic as directed.
Generally, as with TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement, once a day is the recommended usage. Following this regimen, results can be expected in 2–3 weeks, though there have been some reports of seeing results in as little as 2–3 days.
Customer Satisfaction
A brief statistical analysis of customer reviews on a number of websites shows that about 1-2 out of 3 people were positively inclined to continue using the product, some having tried higher-priced and more favorably reviewed probiotics. Many of the positive comments were on its ability to improve the health of the user’s immune system.
The wide availability makes it convenient to buy virtually any time, so you never have to worry about running out. One buyer commented that the best probiotics are ones that require refrigeration (depending on preference). But the higher-rated competitors usually have multiple probiotic bacteria strains, increasing the potential for side effects.
TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement is reviewed as a simple and effective way to boost your immune system and help promote digestive health.
Final conclusion
When you consider the scientific support of the ingredients (it uses two of the most common, natural, and positive bacterial strains available), the relatively low cost for the perceived value, and the support of one of the world’s leading manufacturers of consumer pharmaceuticals, there is little reason not to at least try TruBiotics Daily Probiotics Supplement, but it may in fact not offer the best probiotics possible.
As with any supplement, the actual results you see will depend on a number of factors. Everyone’s body and health is different. The general consensus of actual users seems to be that it is an investment of guesswork for your wallet and your general health, unless you have milk or yeast-related allergies, of course.