Are you one of the estimated 75% of adults who doesn’t consume the daily recommended amount of magnesium? (1) If so, you could be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Here’s the thing: A magnesium deficiency can trigger 22 different medical conditions, ranging from anxiety and insomnia to kidney and liver disease. (2)

Sorry for the dramatics, but here’s an in-depth look at magnesium supplements that will further explain why you need one and what to look for when choosing one. Additionally, you’ll find reviews on our top 5 magnesium supplements currently on the market.

Magnesium and the Immune System

Magnesium has over 300 functions in the body, ranging from bone and muscle support to neuron regulation which helps us relax. 

But what most people fail to mention is how powerful this supplement is when it comes to strengthening the immune system. Magnesium plays a key role in developing antibodies — a potent response by your body to prevent pathogens from taking hold. 

Magnesium also facilitates a process called "c3 convertase" which binds to harmful foreign bacteria then gets swept out of your system. 

Now that you have a better idea of why magnesium supplements are so important for your overall health, let's find one right for you. This isn’t always easy, thanks to the huge selection of supplements on the market, however here’s the down-low on what you should look for in a supplement.

What To Look For In A Magnesium Supplement:

Pay careful attention to the form of magnesium contained in the supplement, as not all perform the same function. Your best options include:

Magnesium Citrate: A form that bonds to numerous amino acids and is in the same state as the food we consume, making it highly absorbable by the body.

Magnesium Malate: Helps your cells make and use energy, while soothing muscle pain

Magnesium Glycinate: A chelated form that is often considered ideal for anyone trying to correct a deficiency because it offers high levels of absorption and bioavailability

Zinc & Vitamin D3: Be sure the supplement also contains both zinc & vitamin D3 as these are vital for immune health. Zinc works by activating T-cells, which attack infected cells and help reduce inflammation especially in the mouth area where soreness is prevalent.

Vitamin D3's importance in your body cannot be overemphasized. In fact, every cell in your body has a vitamin D receptor, which is not the case for other vitamins. D3 is twice as effective as D2 at increasing blood vessels.  Vitamin D reduces the risk of every infectious disease. 

What To Avoid In A Magnesium Supplement:

The Calcium Conflict

Be wary of taking a supplement that contains both magnesium and calcium. As doses get higher, the two minerals often compete for absorption.

Sneaky Serving Sizes

Avoid supplements with tricky serving sizes. The serving size tells you the number of capsules you’ll need to take to get the dosage printed on the label. For example, if you see a supplement that touts 500mg per serving, but each capsule only contains 125mg, you’ll have to take 4 capsules to get the right dose. satisfaction. We call our method the Smarter Reviews Ranking System.

Top 5 Magnesium Supplements

Drum roll please... it's time to look at five of the top magnesium supplements of 2020.