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2024’s Top 5 Bergamot Supplements to Address Cholesterol Concerns

Discover how this special fruit can help promote excellent cardiovascular health and much more!

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Bergamot has been used for centuries – in breakfast dishes, teas, aromatherapy, and even nutritional supplements – to help support your mental health, mood, and skin. 

Today, many people rely on this “handyman” to help maintain a healthy heart and cholesterol levels already within the normal range. 

However, it can be overwhelming to find a comprehensive supplement, as not all bergamot is the same.

That’s why Smarter Reviews did all the hard work for you and created a quick guide which lays out what to look for and what to avoid.

We also analyzed some of the most popular bergamot supplements on the market and share the top 5 options to support your overall health right now.

What's Bergamot, Anyway?

Did you know, bergamot is an ingredient used in many Earl Grey teas? This small, pear-shaped citrus fruit is found in the Calabrian area of southern Italy and it’s packed with wonderful health benefits.

Bergamot's Main Health Benefits 


An Inside-Look at Cholesterol

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Thankfully, Bergamot contains unique antioxidants that go to work inside your arteries to offer the cardiovascular support and peace of mind you deserve.

Why Health Experts Recommend Bergamot Over Other Common Supplements

Red yeast rice is a popular ingredient due to its supposedly “amazing” cardiovascular benefits. Although, new research raises some concerns. Turns out, it may contain contaminants that can lead to headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and more.

As a result, an increasing number of health experts recommend bergamot as a quality cholesterol “sidekick” to help ease any worries. 

We suggest at least 550 mg of this superfruit and a great option to look for is a powerful extract called Bergavit®.

As you can imagine, this long list of health benefits has significantly increased its demand. However, we also want to share a short list of supporting ingredients:

2 Essential Ingredients for an Effective Bergamot Supplement


Niacinamide is a powerful B3 vitamin that helps maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range. This powerful nutrient is thought to be essential for long-term cardiovascular health, so it's a must-have in any supplement.

Garlic Extract

Allicin is a compound found in cloves of garlic. It helps relax blood vessels so a healthy heart can work around-the-clock to pump nutrient-rich blood throughout your entire body.

Now that you know which ingredients pair best with bergamot for optimal results, it’s also important to know what to avoid...

Beware of Magnesium Stearate

Many supplements on the market today contain the filler, Magnesium Stearate. This cheap filler is often used to bind ingredients together and offers no nutritional value. In some cases, Magnesium Stearate can even cause unwanted side effects.

Top 5 Bergamot Supplements Of 2024

After sifting through an extensive amount of reviews and formulas, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 bergamot supplements on the market today.


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Total Ranking



Overall Grade


  • Contains Bergavit®
  • Recommended by a Doctor
  • 100% Vegan Health Formula 
  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients


  • Only sold in the U.S. and Canada 
The Bottom Line

We chose CholestMD® by 1MD Nutrition™ because it's the only supplement that meets our strict criteria. 

This unique formula offers niacin, and Bergavit®, a powerful ingredient that provides excellent support for proper cholesterol levels.** 

1MD Nutrition's return policy was also more generous than others we reviewed, and their customer service department was knowledgeable, friendly, and fast. They also confirmed their product is made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients and 100% vegan.

With all this in mind, we decided to place CholestMD® by 1MD Nutrition™ at the top of our list.

*Results are based on users' personal experiences collected on this page and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using these products. Please see product website for more information.

** For those with cholesterol levels already within a normal range. 

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2. Red Yeast Rice

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Total Ranking



Overall Grade


  • 100mg Niacin
  • Red Yeast Rice
  • CoQ10
  • 100% Vegan


  • Contains Red Yeast Rice
  • Lacks Bergamot
  • Lacks Garlic Extract
The Bottom Line

Purely Holistic has created a strong formula containing great ingredients like CoQ10 and niacin. It’s sure to help you maintain cholesterol levels already within a normal range.

However, Purely Holistic’s formula does come with a few drawbacks. First off, it contains red yeast rice, which may cause unwanted side effects. On top of that, it lacks bergamot and garlic extract, two essential ingredients for the comprehensive support you deserve.

After adding up all the pros and cons, Purely Holistic has still made a stand-out supplement. The result earns it the #2 spot on this list.


*Results are based on users' personal experiences collected on this page and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using these products. Please see product website for more information.

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3. Cholesterol Health 

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Total Ranking



Overall Grade


  • Third-Party Verified
  • Free of fillers and additives 
  • Made in the USA


    • Customer service responds within 48 hours
    • No money back guarantee
The Bottom Line

Cholesterol Health by Emerald Laboratories gets rave customer reviews. However, it doesn’t come with a money-back guarantee, which is why we’re wary of putting it anywhere above our #3 spot.

This supplement was formulated with holistic ingredients including niacin, chromium, CoQ10, and garlic powder. Unfortunately, though, Cholesterol Health uses garlic powder in their formula rather than a powerful extract along with red yeast rice

*Results are based on users' personal experiences collected on this page and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using these products. Please see product website for more information.

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4. CholestOff®

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Total Ranking



Overall Grade


  • USP third-party verified
  • 100 day money-back guarantee


  • Contains Soy, fillers, and added colors 
  • Lacks Bergamot
  • Not all products manufactured in USA 
The Bottom Line

Nature Made is one of the leading vitamin brands. But soy, added colors, and fillers put CholestOff® at #4 on our list.

However, this product does lack many key ingredients, such as bergamot and includes fillers. 

*Results are based on users' personal experiences collected on this page and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using these products. Please see product website for more information.

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5. Ultimate Cholest Control

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Total Ranking



Overall Grade


  • Promotes Heart Health
  • Positive reviews 


    • Lacks key ingredients 
    • Unclear return policy 
The Bottom Line

Coming in at number 5 on our list is Ultimate Cholest Control by Naturalia Labs. 

This supplement does contain some great ingredients, such as niacin and garlic extract. Even though the reviews are limited, most customers were happy with their results. 

However, it should be noted that this formula does lack some vital key ingredients such as bergamot. Also, Naturalia Labs only offers a 60-day money-back guarantee, which is not as comprehensive as the other brands on our list. 


 *Results are based on users' personal experiences collected on this page and do not necessarily reflect typical results of using these products. Please see product website for more information.

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