2025's Top 5 Supplements for Stronger Bones

Learn what to look for in a quality bone supplement, the dangers of too much calcium, and what to avoid.

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Did you know, you have 206 bones inside your body? Some of them keep you strong and active, while others protect your vital organs. There’s just one catch, though…

As you age, a number of problems can slowly begin to creep in and you may not realize it until it’s too late. One common culprit is low bone density — which affects nearly all of us at some point in our lifetime.

Luckily, there are a few simple solutions to help fight back and support your overall bone health.

Why Is Bone Density So Important?

Studies show that our bone density decreases after the age of 30 - and it doesn't end there.1

After the age of 50, half of all women and a quarter of all men will break a bone due to bone density. 


But there's good news — when taken regularly, a quality bone health supplement can help support proper bone strength and give you confidence in your overall health. 

Smarter Reviews evaluated 74 different bone health supplements on the market today. We've broken down what to look for, the dangers of too much calcium, and what to avoid when shopping for a bone health supplements. Plus, we'll show our Top 5 bone supplement recommendations.

How Can a Bone Health Supplement Help?


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Unfortunately, most bone health supplements lack the combination of ingredients necessary to improve bone density, and rely too heavily on calcium alone. With a variety of bone health supplements on the market, we looked at common pitfalls to help you make the most informed choice.

Look For These Supplement Ingredients:

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 helps calcium absorb into your bones rather than into your arteries. Make sure to take a clinically backed version of Vitamin K2, such as MenaQ7®. 2

Cissus Quadrangularis

This plant extract helps promote bone strength and even helps improve overall bone health.3

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 promotes calcium absorption and proper mineral deposits to your bones.4 Vitamin D3 has also been shown to help support muscle coordination, helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis when paired with calcium.5

Calcium Hydroxyapatite

Calcium Hydroxyapatite is a more easily absorbable, whole mineral form of calcium, which makes up the substance of your bones. It is notably different from other forms of calcium like calcium citrate and calcium carbonate, which do not get absorbed.

Your Definitive Bone Health Supplement Checklist:

Money-Back Guarantee

If a company is offering a 90-day 100% money back guarantee, that likely means they are confident in their product’s effectiveness. This shows the company is being transparent, and willing to allow customers to try their product for themselves and make their own decision.

Clinically Recommended Dosages

Although many brands do use quality ingredients, what’s more important are the dosage numbers. Just because a product is offering all the correct ingredients, doesn’t mean it’s going to be effective. Make sure they are in their recommended dosages in order to experience optimal results.

Doctor Formulated

It takes years of study and specific expertise to formulate an effective bone health supplement. That’s why the highest quality supplements are most likely formulated or endorsed by a doctor.

The Problem With Calcium Supplements:

A lot of calcium supplements promise to improve bone health. However, it's important to note that relying on calcium alone is simply not enough. Even worse, it can be dangerous in high amounts.

While most people get enough calcium from their diets, the problem is that it's not easily absorbed by our bodies

To ensure a high level of absorption, look for Calcium Hydroxyapatite, a mineral form of calcium derived from bovine bone, which is bioidentical to the calcium already in our body. Also, make sure that it is paired with Vitamin D3, as this unique pairing has been clinically proven to better support bone density and lower bone mass better than calcium alone. 

Fortunately, a select few brands addressed this problem head on and created effective solutions. 

Now that you know the benefits of a bone health supplement, what to look for, and what to avoid, what are the best bone health supplements to choose from? Below, are the Top 5 brands we found to be most helpful in improving bone health.

Top 5 Bone Health Supplements

1. OsteoMD®


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  • 325mg calcium hydroxyapatite 
  • 50mcg Vitamin D3
  • MenaQ7® Vitamin K2
  • CalZbone® C. quadrangularis
  • 100% natural, vegan formula

  • Doctor-backed
  • 90-day money-back guarantee


  • Only available online
The Bottom Line

Between its comprehensive, doctor-made formula and outstanding customer satisfaction, 1MD Nutrition's OsteoMD® formula is the clear choice.

OsteoMD® includes calcium hydroxyapatiteVitamin D3, and clinically studied forms of Vitamin K2 (MenaQ7®) and C. quadrangularis (CalZbone®). These are shown to regulate calcium absorption and increase absorbability, helping you improve your bone strength. MenaQ7® is the only clinically studied form of Vitamin K2 available.

Our top pick has impressive survey results as well:

- 89% of OsteoMD® users said this product was better than other bone health supplements they've tried**

- 87% felt less bone aches within the first 12 weeks***

- 86% felt reduced joint discomfort within the first 12 weeks**** 

It even comes with a generous 90-day money-back guarantee.

*Results are based on the Smarter Reviews Ranking System and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

**Based on a survey of 306 1MD Nutrition™ customers***Based on a survey of 180 1MD Nutrition™ customers
****Based on a survey of 190 1MD Nutrition™ customers


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2. Bone Boost

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  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin K2
  • Complementary ingredients
  • All-natural, vegetarian ingredients


  • Not backed by a doctor
  • Frequently out of stock
The Bottom Line

Essential Elements' Bone boost was our second choice because of its well-sourced and complementary ingredients.

It contains a clinically recommended amount of Calcium Hydroxyapatite, Vitamin D3, and K2. This formula also gets bumped up a notch due to the C. quadrangularis, which enhances bioavailability.

These ingredients work well together in strengthening and maintaining bone health through the stimulation of proteins and the absorption of calcium.

They also have a 90-day money-back guarantee, which is enough time to know whether or not you'll be satisfied with it.

The formula is a clear winner, but we had to knock it down because it's not backed by a certified physician.

*Results are based on the Smarter Reviews Ranking System and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

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3. Bone Strength Take Care

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  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin K2
  • Vegetarian
  • Offers full refund


  • Lacks C. Quadrangularis
  • Contains fillers
  • Vitamin K2 not clinically studied
  • Low amounts of critical ingredients
The Bottom Line

This product by New Chapter ranked high on our list for its good list of well-sourced ingredients.

It contains crucial ingredients like Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2, though the quantities it provides per serving are somewhat low (25mcg and 45mcg, respectively). Its Vitamin K2 is also not clinically studied, so we can't be sure of its effectiveness.

 It also contains some fillers, such as soy and silicon dioxide, which do not offer any nutritional value.

This said, New Chapter does source its product from bioavailable algae and is vegetarian, earning it a spot on our list.

*Results are based on the Smarter Reviews Ranking System and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

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4. Grass Fed Bone Marrow

a white bottle of shampoo

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  • All-natural
  • Well sourced
  • High in nutrients


  • Actual nutrition facts unclear
  • Not doctor-backed
  • Unclear/no money-back guarantee
  • Lacks C. quadrangularis
  • 6 capsules per day recommended

Empty heading

The Bottom Line

This product by Ancestral Supplements is another great choice to support bone health. It prides itself with an all-natural, grass-fed bone marrow that they link directly to improving bone health.

Though it is clear that this bone marrow supplement is rich in many beneficial nutrients like Vitamins D and K2, it is unclear how much of is in each product. It also recommends taking 6 tablets daily, which is a bit inconvenient.

This said, Ancestral Supplements' product is very well sourced and is an all-natural, unique approach to improving bone health.

*Results are based on the Smarter Reviews Ranking System and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

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5. AlgaeCal Plus

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  • Vegetarian 
  • 365-day money-back guarantee
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin K2
  • Doctor-Backed


  • Low amounts of crucial ingredients
  • Contains fillers
  • Vitamin K2 not clinically studied
  • Lacks C. quandrangularis
The Bottom Line

AlgaeCal Plus is a great bone health supplement with a short list of ingredients, using USDA organic algae as its foundation.

The supplement is slightly lacking in Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2, though. It also does not have C. quadrangularis to improve bioavailability, and it does contain fillers such as magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. Its Vitamin K2 is also not clinically studied, so we can't be sure of its effectiveness.

This said, AlgaeCal comes with a one-year money-back guarantee and uses a well sourced list of ingredients, earning it a spot on our Top 5 list.

*Results are based on the Smarter Reviews Ranking System and do not necessarily reflect typical results from the use of these products. Please visit product websites for more information.

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  1. Healthwise Staff. (2020, December 7). Michigan Medicine. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from https://www.uo
  2. Bone Health - menaq7. In: menaq7 [Internet]. [cited 30 Oct 2019]. Available: http://menaq7.com/health-benefits/bone-health/
  3. Goswami SS, et al. Antiseptic. 2011;108: 504–506.
  4. Verdure Sciences - Calzbone®. In: Verdure Sciences [Internet]. [cited 30 Oct 2019]. Available: https://vs-corp.com/calzbone/
  5. Christakos S, Dhawan P, Porta A, Mady LJ, Seth T. 2011;347: 25.