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Probiotics 101: A Healthy Head Start For Your Child

Once upon a time, there was no evidence of the effects of probiotics on pediatric health. Well, not anymore. For many children, eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean protein can be a challenge if not near-impossible. Many adults struggle with the same dietary needs, and without the help of supplements wouldn't be able to cope with the lack of important nutrients.*

So where do probiotics fit into the daily nutritional intake for our children?

Research Has Shown That Kids Who Take Probiotics Have:

  • Healthy cognitive functioning* 1
  •  Enhanced focus/attention* 1
  •  Healthy energy levels* 2
  •  Strong immune system function* 2
  •  Stable moods and temperament
  • Healthy bowel movements* 2

Gut-Brain Research: Prebiotics and Probiotics

Are probiotics the future of medicine? Perhaps. A balanced digestive system is the foundation for overall health. Probiotics support a healthy digestive system, which has been linked to supporting both cognitive and overall physical wellness. The latest research shows using fiber based prebiotics (such as NutraFlora Fiber) will help the probiotics stick to the intestinal tract. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of the probiotic.*.1,2

Your child's gut and brain health starts in the womb and post-partum. Every mother has heard about the importance of breastfeeding your child for at least the first nine months of their life. Research has found that your baby's first form of probiotics will come from breastmilk.

It turns out that a particular strain of of bacteria from the genus Bifidobacterium seem to flourish in [the presence of simple sugars], and that some of these bacteria produce important compounds called short-chain fatty acids when they break down breast milk sugars.*.4

What to do when and if the breastfeeding phase ends?

Supplementing with an all-natural probiotic absent of any fillers or binders can be vital for your child's current and future brain health. Research is steadily revealing that the microbes in your gut are just as important as the nerve cells in your brain.*.1

Studies of how normal gut microbiota modulates brain development and behavior has discovered data that supports the notion that there is a sensitive period in early life for gut microbiota to affect later-life brain and behavior. This means that the health of your child's digestive system from birth and onward is a precursor for healthy or unhealthy brain functioning later in life.*

The Right Probiotic for Your Child and It's Not Yogurt

We found that the safest and most effective source of prebiotics and probiotics for children, outside of mother's milk, are plant-based*. Supplements made from raw organic fruits and vegetables are ideal and highly effective on young gut health. Of course any form of supplementation, liquid or capsule, can be taken alongside probiotic-rich dairy foods, like yogurt and kefir.

Top Strains in Children's Probiotics by Category:  2:,5,6

A worthwhile probiotic should contain anywhere from 5 billion to 10 billion cultures (CFU's).

Bowel Assistance*:

  • L. acidophilus. helps produces Vitamin K from foods, which is essential to proper blood clotting, bone formation, and repair.
  • L. Rhamnosis GG. Most effective strain for childhood diarrhea.
  • L. Reuteri. Defense against diarrhea and beneficial in rebuilding gut health after a course of antibiotics.

Immune Function*:

  • B. Lactis. This increases immune function, helps to fight off infections, makes faster recovery times possible and helps to prevent diarrhea in both adults and children.
  • L. Delbrueckii. Boosts immune system function and protects against harmful bacteria and infections.
  • L. Gasseri. Reduces bad gut bacteria, protects against bacteria, and aids digestion. Also helps prevent diarrhea and build immunity against allergies and asthma.

Digestion Help*:

  • L. Plantarium. Quickly resolves any gut inflammation and restores balance to the digestive system.
  • L. Casei. This assists with any potential issues with digestion.

Top 4 Probiotic Supplements for kids 2019

Based on our own extensive research, the metrics provided by our Smarter Reviews Ranking System, and consideration of numerous reviews by Smarter Shoppers just like you, we've compiled a list of what we've found to be the top four products in 
this category, on the market today.